5 Ways to Save Money on Your HVAC System

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.
  1. Regularly change your air filters

This will keep your unit from having to work harder as dust and debris build up on the filter, plus improves the air quality within your home. When buying air filters, look at the MERV rating, Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. MERV ratings describe the size of the holes in the filter that the air passes through. The smaller the holes, the higher the efficiency, the higher the MERV rating.

2. Program your thermostat

Keep your temperatures consistent. Program your thermostat to adjust at the right time instead of changing the temperature throughout the day or when you leave your home. When the temperature is adjusted frequently, the HVAC unit has to work more to allocate for the temperature change.

3. Service your HVAC system

Preventative maintenance is the key to prolonging the life of your unit. Have your system serviced twice per year to ensure it is working properly. Many companies have service programs. Our preventative Maintenance Program includes service visits twice/year with the same technician dedicated to you and no fee should you need an additional immediate service.

4. Leave vents/doors open in rooms

Closing air vents and doors in unused rooms disrupt air flow throughout the home. By leaving them open, air is able to flow evenly, lowering AC work which increases efficiency and, as a result, lowers cost.

5. Clear your outdoor system of debris

Grass, sticks, and leaves can all build up on the outside of your unit. Periodically clear debris off of the outside of your unit so it’s able to run at full capacity.


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